
arbor vitae [phylogen.]


Tree of Life according to Wikipedia based mainly on Adl & al. 2005: The New Higher Level Classification of Eukaryotes with Emphasis on the Taxonomy of Protists (phylogenetical model, cf. Wiki) as far as eukaryotes are concerned.

See also Phylogenetic Tree of Life (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) and Catalogue of Life

- Prokaryota: organisms without cell nucleus [regnum]

-/- Bacteria: x [regnum]

-/-.- Archaea: x [regnum]

-/-.- Eukaryota: organisms with cell nucleus [regnum]

-/-.-/- Bikonta: x

-/-.-/-.- Rhizaria: amoeboids and flagellates [regnum]

-/-.-/-.- Excavata: flagellates and amoeboids [regnum]

-/-.-/-.- Archaeplastida: red and green algae; plants [regnum]

-/-.-/-.- Chromalveolata: many but not all algae [regnum]

-/-.-/-.- Amoebozoa: amoeboids (major group); slime moulds [regnum]

-/-.-/-.- Opisthokonta: (higher) fungi; animals [regnum]

-/-.-/-.-? Taxa incertae sedis: Fornicata, Malawimonas, Parabasalia, Praexostyla, Jakobida, Heterolobosea, Euglenozoa

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