Caput sokolblogensis
- Res mentalis
-/- Sokolblog: image and thought of Homo sapiens sokoliensis, updated daily/weekly
-/- Sokoltext: lyrics by Homo sapiens sokoliensis (German/English), updated once in a while
- Res realis
-/- Antimateria
-/- Materia
-/-/- Materia inorganica
-/-/-/- Elementa chemica-/-/-/- Mixturi chemici
-/-/-/- Geologia
-/-/-/- Astrum (Planetae et Stellae)

-/-/- Materia organica

Arbor vitae: Tree of Life - Taxonomie (alternative phylogenetic model; Catalogue of Life; Tree of Life)
Highly recommended: Espèces d'espèces/ Die wunderbare Artenvielfalt (documentary by Denis van Waerebeke & Vincent Gaullier, France 2008). The task of this film is to explain the tree of life in a fascinating way even for people who previously had no interest in this stuff whatsoever; surprisingly, the film manages to do this with ease.
-/-/-/- Prokaryota
-/-/-/-.- Bacteria-/-/-/- Eukaryota
-/-/-/-.- Protozoa: primitive first life (monocellular)
-/-/-/-.- Chromista: archaic life with chlorophyll
-/-/-/-.- Plantae (Archaeplastida) and red and green algae (Taxonomy according to Fischer, Exkursionsflora)
-/-/-/-.- Animalia (Metazoa) (Taxonomy according to the Tree of Life)General Index (English/German), Flickr (Plants, Animals, Fungi, Lichen) and Herbarium (German) - Plants blog, including also Fungi and Animalia
-/-/- Loci
Habitats of Materia organica (Plantae, Fungi, Animalia, and other)
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