


- Metazoa (regnum): Animals - Tiere

[- Parazoa (divisio, dismissed): Gewebelose = Porifera + Placozoa]

-.- Porifera (phylum): Sponges - Schwämme

-.-/- Placozoa (phylum)

-.-/- Myxozoa (phylum?): Some parasitic animals, probably to be subsumed under Cnidaria

-.-/- Cnidaria (phylum): Jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, hydra, etc. - Nesseltiere

-.-/- Ctenophora (phylum): Comb-jellies - Rippenquallen

-.-/- Bilateria (subdivisio): Bilaterally symmetrical animals (most animals) - Zweiseitentiere

-.-/-.- Animalia incertae sedis (primitive Bilateria): Chaetognatha, Gastrotricha, Rotifera, Gnathostimulida, Micrognathozoa, Cycliophora, Mesozoa, Platyhelminthes

-.-/-.- Lophotrochozoa (superphylum): Squids, snails and many worms at Protostomia rank (mouth develops from blastopore) - Kopffüsser, Weichtiere, Würmer etc. (Urmünder: Mund entsteht aus Urmund)

-.-/-.- Ecdysozoa (superphylum): Insects and other animals (worms) at Protostomia rank - Häutungstiere: Insekten, Würmer u. a.

-.-/-.- Deuterostomia (superphylum): Blastopore (first opening) becomes anus (higher Bilateria) - Neumünder (Urmund wird zum After, Mund entsteht aus Urdarm)

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