


familia Hominidae: Great Apes/Hominids - Menschenaffen (incl. Mensch)

In older taxonomies Gibbons sometimes are subsumed under Hominidae but they are considered a genus outside of this family in modern theories.

- Pongo (genus): Orang-Utan

| Pongo pygmaeus: Bormeo-Orang-Utan (2-3 subspecies)

| Pongo abelii: Sumatra-Orang-Utan

-/- Homininae (tribus): African Apes - Afrikanische Menschenaffen

-/-.- Gorilla (genus): Gorilla

| Gorilla gorilla: Western Gorilla - Westlicher Gorilla (W. Flachland-G., Cross-River-G.)

| Gorilla beringei: Eastern Gorilla - Östlicher Gorilla (Ö. Flachland-G., Berg-G.)

-/-.-/- unnamed tribus of Pan and Homo

-/-.-/-.- Pan (genus; also belonging to tribus Hominini): Chimpanzee - Schimpanse

| Pan troglodytes: Common Chimpanzee - Gewöhnlicher Schimpanse (4 subspecies)

| Pan paniscus: Bonobo - Zwergschimpanse

-/-.-/-.- Hominini - Homo (tribus and genus; without Pan of same tribus): Human - Mensch

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